Monday, May 2, 2011

Yellow Light

I've been goin' out with my best buddies lately, so since we had a lot of catch-ups to do, we met up over dinner the other night and enjoyed our selves with our updates. One of the major agendas was about a psycho obsessed stalker whom has been haunting him for 24/7. Haha! Scary yet funny. hehe..! Then I consoled him with my mom's advise, "Sabar saja, dugaan orang lawa tu". Poor guy...hehe. Nevertheless, I've been enjoying our movie night outs together and I'm glad to have them around as being crazy as I am too. hehehe...hehe!

Last Sunday, RBTS held a family picnic at the Serasa Beach. I have won 1st Place in the Golf Hole-In-One mini-tournament! and 2nd place in the cleaning campaign contest (many thanks to Azie & Fae for the top-ups of trashes..hehe)

The golf challenge, it was organized for the Males only. I wanted to be in the game, so I demanded the game to be opened for the ladies too by tellin' them jgn sexist! hehe...and so, the committee agreed & allowed it...hehe!

This month, I rewarded myself with a new cool pair of boots! ;p